MLA Paraphrase Example

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Paraphrasing is tricky that is why you need to make sure that you do not copy the author’s wording and style to avoid plagiarism. In paraphrasing sentences, it must sound like you. You should use your own words and vocabulary.
Check out how to rephrase expertly with top 50 scholarly paraphrasing tool list!
Tips in Paraphrasing
- Think and jot down the main points of the original source. Without looking at the original source, you need to begin writing your paraphrase. When you are finished, you can compare it to the original version.
- Using thesaurus is not enough because you need to change the words. You need to make the sentence yours by using your own words.
- If you included exact phrases or words, you need to ensure that you put quotation marks around those copied phrases. You can also rewrite the entire sentence.
- It is important to retain the meaning of the source but you need to change the words used or the structure to avoid plagiarism. If you don’t want, you can represent other’s work.

MLA Paraphrase Example
Original: In the 3rd season, John was relieved from his duties but he ignores and continues as Buffy’s confidant, trainer as well as father figure.
Paraphrase in MLA: Despite John’s termination in season three, he persists to teach as well as to counsel Buffy while playing father figure role (DeCandido 44).
Author’s name should be mentioned in the sentence: When you are mentioning author’s name in the sentence, you need to cite the page number. For example: “We teach our kids that money cannot buy love but some people go for it and but for them, “writes Susan Cheever in the “The Nanny Dilemma” (155).
Integrating quotations into your sentences: In “Two Kinds” the character Jing-mei says, “In all of my imaginings, I was filled with sense that I would soon become perfect” (Tan 29).
There are still examples of paraphrasing MLA on the web that you can check out or you can use paraphrasing services UK.When it comes to paraphrasing, it is about restatement of spoken or written language by using your own words.
Start to paraphrase correctly today. Make sure that you know what you are doing to avoid mistakes. Get started today!
For a proper preparation review this apa paraphrasing example as well.